Diamond PL/Laser measurement, 77K, Walker J 1979, Bokii et al 1986, Bartoszynski et al 1992, Nodolinny et al 1999
Measurement details
Reference | Walker J. Optical absorption and luminescence in diamond. Rep.Progr.Physics-1979-V42-P1606-1659. Bokii GB,Bezrukov GN, Kluyev YuA, Naletov AM, Nepsha VI. -Natural and Synthetic Diamonds-Moscow,Nuaka-1986-221p. Bartoshynski ZV. Bekesha SN,Vinnichenko TG, Voloshynovski AS and Makhin AI. Photoluminescence spectra of diamonds from kimberlite pipes in a north region of european platform. Mineralogical Magazine- 1992- V14-No3-P25-29. Nadolinny VA,Yelisseyev AP,Baker JM,Newton ME,Twitchen DJ,Lawson SC,Yuryeva OP and Feigelson BN. A Study of 13C hyperfine structure in the EPR of nickel-nitrogen containing centers in diamond and correlation with their optical properties. J.Physics Condens Matter 1999-V11-P7357-7376 |
Material | Diamond [ C ] |
Specimen temperature | 77K |
Technique | Laser photoluminescence (PL) |
Probe | Laser beam |
Line | S3 center 496 nm |