Andesine PL/XL measurement, x-ray beam, Moroshkin et. al. 2001

Measurement details

Reference Moroshkin V.V., Getmanskaya T.I., Rassulov V.A. and Krivoshchekov N.N. Fluorescence properties of feldspars from metamorphic and igneous rocks and related ore deposits. - Proc. All-Russia Mineral. Soc. - 2001. - No. 3. - P. 87-94.
Material Andesine [ (Na, Ca)(Si, Al)4O8 ]
Specimen temperature Ambient
Technique X-ray photoluminescence
Probe X-ray beam
Lines Ce2+ 340 nm, Mn2+ 570 nm


Nominal composition of Andesine [ (Na,Ca)(Si,Al)4O8 ].
Element Atoms At% Wt%
Na 1.5 4.62 5.14
Ca 1 3.08 5.97
Al 3.498 10.77 14.06
Si 6.497 20 27.18
O 19.99 61.54 47.65