Orthoclase CL/OM measurement, Telfer & Walker 1978

Measurement details

Reference Telfer D. J. & Walker G. (1978). Ligand field bands of Mn2+ and Fe3+ luminescence centres and their site occupancy in plagioclase feldspars. Modern Geology, 6(4), 199-210.
Material Orthoclase [ KAlSi3O8 ]
Specimen temperature Ambient
Technique Cathodoluminescence (CL), using an optical microscope
Lines Fe3+ 382 nm, 294.5 nm, 425 nm, 260.4 nm, 441 nm, 245.5 nm, 450 nm, 223.2 nm, 494 nm, 508 nm, 575 nm, 615 nm, 191.1 nm, 657 nm, 161.1 nm


Nominal composition of Orthoclase [ KAlSi3O8 ].
Element Atoms At% Wt%
K 1 7.69 14
Al 1 7.69 9.69
Si 3 23.1 30.3
O 8 61.5 46