Zinc sulphide (var. nanocrystals) PL/Laser measurement, Xu et al. 1998

Measurement details

Reference Xu et al. 1998
Xu S. J., Chua S. J., Liu B., Gan L. M., Chew C. H. & Xu G. Q. (1998). Luminescence characteristics of impurities-activated ZnS nanocrystals prepared in microemulsion with hydrothermal treatment. Applied Physics Letters, 73(4), 478-480. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.121906
Material Zinc sulphide (var. nanocrystals) [ ZnS ]
Specimen temperature Ambient
Technique Laser photoluminescence (PL)
Probe Laser beam
Lines Cu 460 nm, 507 nm, Eu 518 nm, Mn2+ 590 nm


Nominal composition of Zinc sulphide (var.nanocrystals) [ ZnS ].
Element Atoms At% Wt%
Zn 1 50 67.1
S 1 50 32.9