Agate CL spectrum, 14 keV e- beam, Götze 2000c

Measurement details

Description CL spectrum of agate from Chemnitz, Germany. Fig16-1 in Götze in 2000c
Reference Götze, J. (2000). Cathodolumonescence microscopy and spectroscopy in applied mineralogy. Germany: Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg. ISBN 9783860121160
Material Agate [ SiO2 ]
Technique Cathodoluminescence (CL)
Instrument HC1-LM
Probe 14 keV electron beam
Detector name EG&G PAR:1235
Det. technology Charge-coupled device (CCD)
Channel count 1024
Wavelength range 317.709 … 781.837 nm
Intensity range 100 (normalised intensity)
Line E' center 580 nm (100%)


Nominal composition of Agate [ SiO2 ].
Element Atoms At% Wt%
Si 1 33.3 46.7
O 2 66.7 53.3

Measurement spectrum


Measurement image

CL spectrum of agate from Chemnitz, Germany. Fig 16-1 in Götze 2000c