Indium phosphide CL/SEM measurement, e- beam, Tiginyanu et al. 2004

Measurement details

Reference Tiginyanu et al. 2004
Tiginyanu I. M., Langa S., Sirbu L., Monaico E., Stevens-Kalceff M. A. & Foll H. (2004). Cathodoluminescence microanalysis of porous GaP and InP structures. European Physical Journal-Applied Physics, 27(1-3), 81-84. DOI:
Material Indium phosphide [ InP ]
Specimen temperature Ambient
Technique Cathodoluminescence (CL), using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
Probe Electron beam
Line Intrinsic 1.4 eV


Nominal composition of Indium phosphide [ InP ].
Element Atoms At% Wt%
In 1 50 78.8
P 1 50 21.2