Anglesite PL measurement, 77K, Gorobets and Rogojine 2002

Measurement details

Reference Gorobets and Rogojine 2002
Gorobets B.S., Rogojine A.A. (2002). Luminescent Spectra of Minerals: Reference Book. All-Russia Institute of Mineral Resources. Moscow. - P. 265. - Fig. 23.6.
Material Anglesite [ PbSO4 ]
Specimen temperature 77K
Technique Photoluminescence (PL)
Line Singlet-triplet 510 nm


Nominal composition of Anglesite [ PbSO4 ].
Element Atoms At% Wt%
Pb 1 16.7 68.3
O 4 66.7 21.1
S 1 16.7 10.6