Plagioclase CL spectrum, 20 keV e- beam, Torpy et al. 2020

Measurement details

Description CL spectrum of Plagioclase from the Tista River, Bangladesh
Reference Torpy et al. 2020
Torpy, A., Wilson, N., MacRae, C., Pownceby, M., Biswas, P., Rahman, M., & Zaman, M. (2020). Deciphering the Complex Mineralogy of River Sand Deposits through Clustering and Quantification of Hyperspectral X-Ray Maps. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 26(4), 768-792
Date measured 2018-05-07
Material Plagioclase [ (Na, Ca)[(Si, Al)AlSi2]O8 ]
Specimen Tista 2020 D4 Zircon conc [CSIRO], Teesta River, Bangladesh
Technique Cathodoluminescence (CL)
Instrument JEOL 8500F
Probe 20 keV electron beam
Beam current 69.95 nA
Probe diameter 2 μm
Acquisition time 16.6309 s
Channel count 1024
Wavelength range 348.233 … 730.123 nm
Intensity range -42.5423 … 24782.9 counts
Integral 1.6174×107 counts
Related measurement Plagioclase EDS spectrum, 20 keV e- beam, Torpy et al. 2020 (co-measured)


Nominal composition of Plagioclase [ (Na,Ca)[(Si,Al)AlSi2]O8 ].
Element Atoms
Na 0-1
Ca 0-1
Al 1-2
Si 2-3
O 8

Measurement spectrum


Measurement image

CL spectrum of Plagioclase from the Tista River, Bangladesh