Zinc sulphide (var. nanocrystals) PL/Laser measurement, 325 nm HeCd laser beam, Toyama et al. 2000

Measurement details

Reference Toyama et al. 2000
Toyama T., Adachi D. & Okamoto H. (2000). Electroluminescent Devices with Nanostructured ZnS:Mn Emission Layer Operated at 20 V0-p. MRS Proceedings, 621 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1557/proc-621-q4.4.1
Material Zinc sulphide (var. nanocrystals) [ ZnS ]
Specimen temperature Ambient
Technique Laser photoluminescence (PL)
Probe 325 nm HeCd laser beam
Lines Defect 520 nm, Mn2+ 610 nm, 588 nm, Mn-Mn pair 700 nm, 720 nm


Nominal composition of Zinc sulphide (var.nanocrystals) [ ZnS ].
Element Atoms At% Wt%
Zn 1 50 67.1
S 1 50 32.9