Zinc sulphide (var. Mn doped nanoparticles) PL measurement, 300 nm Xe lamp (monochromated) illum., 40K, Chen et al. 2002

Measurement details

Reference Chen et al. 2002
Chen W., Su F., Li G., Joly A. G., Malm J. & Bovin J. (2002). Temperature and pressure dependences of the Mn2+ and donor–acceptor emissions in ZnS:Mn2+ nanoparticles. Journal of Applied Physics, 92(4), 1950-1955. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1495070
Material Zinc sulphide (var. Mn doped nanoparticles) [ ZnS:Mn ]
Specimen temperature 40K
Technique Photoluminescence (PL)
Instrument SPEX Fluorolog II fluorimeter
Probe Xe lamp (monochromated) light source
Peak wavelength 300 nm
Det. technology Photomultiplier, cooled
Lines Donor-acceptor pair 440 nm, Mn2+ 600 nm


Nominal composition of Zinc sulphide (var.Mn doped nanoparticles) [ ZnS:Mn ].
Element Atoms At% Wt%
Mn ? ? ?
Zn 1 50 67.1
S 1 50 32.9