Halite PL measurement, Delumyea et al. 1976

Measurement details

Reference Delumyea et al. 1976
Delumyea R. G. & Schenk G. H. (1976). Study of lead(II)-manganese(II) energy transfer in sodium chloride pellets. Analytical Chemistry, 48(1), 95-100. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/ac60365a019
Material Halite [ NaCl ]
Specimen temperature Ambient
Technique Photoluminescence (PL)
Lines Mn2+ 610 nm, Pb 320 nm, 360 nm


Nominal composition of Halite [ NaCl ].
Element Atoms At% Wt%
Na 1 50 39.3
Cl 1 50 60.7