Sodalite PL/UV measurement, 308 nm UV illum., Blumentritt et al. 2021

Measurement details

Reference Blumentritt et al. 2021
Blumentritt, F., Vigier, M., & Fritsch, E. (2021). Blue persistent luminescence (phosphorescence) of sodalite. The Journal of Gemmology, 37(6), 571-574. doi:
Material Sodalite [ Na4(Si3Al3)O12Cl ]
Technique Ultraviolet photoluminescence
Instrument Horiba JobinYvon Fluorolog-3 spectrometer
Probe UV light source
Peak wavelength 308 nm
Lines Unspecified 440 nm, 465 nm, 520 nm, 440 nm, 465 nm


Nominal composition of Sodalite [ Na4(Si3Al3)O12Cl ].
Element Atoms At% Wt%
Na 4 17.4 19
Al 3 13 16.7
Si 3 13 17.4
O 12 52.2 39.6
Cl 1 4.35 7.32