All results for Boron nitride [BN]

Spectra to be plotted: 1
Lines to be plotted: 3
Spectrum Line Material Emitter Position Measurement Technique Temperature Reference
1 Boron nitride Unspecified 342.1nm (26.2 nm FWHM) CL/SEM Ambient CSIRO CL spectra 2008
1 Boron nitride Unspecified 408.0nm (96.2 nm FWHM) CL/SEM Ambient CSIRO CL spectra 2008
Boron nitride, cubic Unspecified 400.0nm (100.0 nm FWHM) CL/SEM Ambient Manfredotti et al. 2006
1 Boron nitride Unspecified 519.0nm (169.0 nm FWHM) CL/SEM Ambient CSIRO CL spectra 2008